Search Committee Blog

This is the place to find current news and info about our search for a new spiritual leader (aka Pastor). We will be updating it often as circumstances unfold.  [Pastor Keith’s Tribute Sunday Video]

Pastoral Candidate Schedule

This week our pastoral candidate (remaining nameless until approval) will be here to meet us and speak to us. Here's the schedule, subject to change.  Saturday, November 14 th , 3:00-4:30 pm: Come to Meet & Greet for our Pastoral Candidate and his family (Snacks...

Our Constitution

Attached is our church constitution.  Please understand that parts of it are outdated and other parts are being temporarily suspended until we are able to amend it.  The specific areas of interest we are suspending are references to the American Baptist Churches....

Job Description

The Moab Community Church, located where “Adventure Begins”, is looking for a senior pastor to challenge the congregation to honor God, love Jesus, and to recognize and heed the Holy Spirit's calling. General Description: The Senior Pastor provides spiritual,...


These FAQs will be periodically update as we receive more questions from you or we find useful things to answer before you even ask.         1. How are we handling referrals?  Can I submit a referral for a pastor I know? We love referrals!  If you know someone you...

Our Moab Community

Our Moab Community

Moab is a growing small town with an economy based primarily on tourism. The population of Moab is about 5,500 and the surrounding area is another 5,000. The median age is 39.8. The poverty rate in 2017 was 12.7%. Historically, uranium and potash mining, oil...

Our purpose is to make the real gospel of Christ as a living faith in life, and to provide a place to meet others in a warm-hearted friendly Christian fellowship.

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Our Church and Community

    The Moab Community Church is one of 17 churches in the area. The Church was first chartered on March 21, 1905 as the Baptist Chapel of Moab and called her first pastor in June 1906. On August 28, 1910 the First Baptist Church of Moab was dedicated and...


Meet our new Spiritual Leader, Pastor Kyle VanArsdol. He is here with his family wife Amanda, Elexa, Kanton, Sweden, Kaidric, and Cypress.