Support Us Online (and our Missionaries)
It is now possible and even easy for us all to give to our church using the online tools provided for us. Many of us already use online tools to pay mortgages, car payments, utilities and various other obligations. It is quick, easy and we don’t forget to write that check. Sometimes we are away from home and being able to pick up the phone and take care of things is great.
At the church we are very interested in helping to create a mind for ministry and stewardship. Many of our younger participants have forgotten where they put their checkbooks because they are into online payments. So we are happy and excited to make this available to our church.
A short set up is necessary and then we are ready to give on a regular basis or for special offerings. There is a mobile app that is downloaded from your normal app store and is accessed by the password and Identification that you set up from the webpage. We are praying and trusting that many of you in our church will set up a recurring gift that represents your commitment to the church. This will cost the church only 25 cents and allows us to be faithful and helps the church to plan for future ministry. Would you consider doing so?
If you need help we are prepared to help you and set up your online gift. This is very safe. It is much safer than using your credit card at a store.
Thank you and God bless you.