It seems to be a trend. Someone passes away in our church and a few more follow close behind. It is almost like the Lord decides to take a group when He comes. It is a bit hard on us as a church, however.
In the last two months David Adkison lost his mother. Evert VanVoorthuizen, Jimmy Walker and Laura Senter all passed away. We will miss all of them. They blessed us in their own ways. We are a bit sadder but heaven is a lot brighter. We do thank God for their faith and works while they were with us. Their faith saved them, their work blessed us.
For each of you that have lost someone recently please accept your church’s heartfelt sympathy. We wish to be here for each of you just as you have been here for the many others that have needed you. Let me say also a big thank you to each of you that take on special duties at the time of a death in the church. Deaconesses do lunch duties in a hot kitchen. Sound and light people show up early and bring their talents to the services. And the trustees and janitors have additional work to do. Many of you supply food for the meals. So thank you to each one that visits, supports and does a bit extra to make it a bit easier for those who grieve.
August is back to school time here in Moab. It seems like the summer went by pretty fast. But it has been a hot and dry one for us. As the vacations come to an end and regular routines come back, I trust that each of you will make it a priority to put church attendance back into your schedules. We need to be together. We need to worship together and pray together. It is not about attendance numbers, it’s all about growing our faith and being in a place to do the work God has called us to do. That work needs all of us pulling together if it is to get done. I know the challenges each of you might face in finding time and energy for worship. But please trust me that it will be worth it to you. God honors those who honor Him. Don’t decide that the easy way will do. Make real commitments that require some sacrifices from you and your family. One day you will realize it was the best thing you ever did. If you trust me at all, trust me in this.
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