Awana – Because kids matter to God!
Let there Be AWANA
AWANA is an acronym standing for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. It comes from 2 Timothy 2:15, “Be quick to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, who handles accurately the word of truth.” This is an international and interdenominational discipleship program focused on teaching a biblical worldview to kids. This approach is intentional about scripture memorization, believing that it is important for all people to hide scripture in their hearts (See Psalm 119:11). The Community Church’s AWANA program is for community youth from kindergarten to twelfth grade. (Although we do use the preschool curriculum in association with MOPS.) AWANA will start September 14th and 15th according to the following schedule.
6th-8th Grades will meet every Tuesday from 5:30-6:30 pm (Trek)
K-6th Grades will meet every Wednesday from 3:30-5:00 pm (Sparks and T&T)
9th-12th Grades will meet every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 pm (Journey)
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You can Help!
We ask that you partner with us to help raise a new generation of the Church. There are three ways to contribute to this ministry.
1) Pray. Please pray for our leaders: Bernie, Paula, Kelli, Julie (Durfee), Amber, Tracy, and Kyle. Please pray for the kids who will take part in this program. Lastly, also pray for the parents who are essential to discipling these kids. Thank God for the participants and ask the Lord Jesus to help us nurture their faith and real-world understanding.
2) Sponsor a kid. It costs $25 to equip each child with a handbook and a uniform. For only $25 a year, you can provide almost everything a child needs to grow closer to Christ.
3) Volunteer a small portion of your time to listen to the kids recite scripture. This is the one thing lacking from the sponsorship piece. We need several people who will invest 30 minutes a week into kids. There are no preparations required. Just show up, love kids, and sign-off in their handbooks that they have indeed hidden God’s word in their hearts. That’s it. Please commit to praying for the kids of Moab. If you would like to do more, designate giving as an AWANA Sponsorship, and if possible, contact one of the people mentioned above in the prayer requests, so they can give you next steps for partnering with us to raise up a new generation of spiritual champions for Christ.